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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Recent Acquisition, Deakin University
Trio 2006 Acrylic and oil on canvas, triptych, 76 x 38 cm, each panel
This work has recently been acquired for the Art Collection of Deakin University.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I Report I Decide Exhibition
Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 27 Maret 2009
Pukul : 19.30 WIB
Tempat : Tujuh Bintang Art Space - Jl Sukonandi 7 Yogyakarta
Dibuka oleh : Ibu Dyan Anggareni Hutomo
Live Music : Delicioz Band
Kurator : Kuss Indarto
Artist :
Agung Gunawan Ahmad Gozali Ari Kadarisman Budhi Bodong Budi Yonaf Eddy sulistyo Fitrajaya Nusananta Kokoh Nugroho Mulyadi Niko Siswanto Oskar Matano Sri Maryanto Suitbertus Sarwoko Setyo Priyo Nugroho Slamet Suneo Santoso Tommi Halnandez Wibowo Adi Utama Yoyok Sahaja Zulkarnaeni
Pameran berlangsung : 27 Maret - 12 April 2009
I report, I decide
Sesuatu yang teramat mudah untuk diucapkan, walau seringkali sulit ketika harus dijalani.
Sebagai makhluk yang dibekali perasaan dan pikiran, seharusnya kita bisa membuat keduanya seimbang dalam mengambil keputusan. Tapi jaman telah berubah. Gelombang ketiganya Alfin Toeffler telah berlalu. Manusia telah meninggalkan ""Mind" sebagai pijakan awal dan menjadikan "eMotion" sebagai dasar keputusan.
Dan ketika perasaan menguasai segalanya, kita jarang mau berpikir panjang sebelum melangkah. Asalkan "merasa" bisa, dengan mudah kita akan berucap "oke bos". Dan kita menjadi semakin jauh meninggalkan filsafat lama dimana kita seharusnya "biso rumongso" bukannya "rumongso biso"
Sesuatu yang seringkali sulit untuk diucapkan, dan lebih sulit ketika harus dijalani.
Ketika kita mengambil keputusan hanya berdasar perasaan, langkah-langkah selanjutnya cenderung subyektif dan mengandalkan insting belaka. Pertimbangan efektifitas dan efisiensi terabaikan. Kita pun akan begitu mudah melupakan apakah tindakan kita membuat orang lain kalang kabut atau tidak.
Walau perasaan seringkali sulit untuk dipikirkan, dan pikiran lebih mudah untuk dirasakan, keseimbangan tetaplah perlu. Karena hidup harus memiliki sentuhan rasa dalam setiap pemikiran.
Dari awal rasa dalam seni berpikir itu, kita akan bisa memutuskan dan melaporkan.
Silakan diapresiasi...
Terima kasih...
Eko Nugroho (
Staf Tujuh Bintang Art Space
Tujuh Bintang Art Space
Jl Sukonandi No. 7-Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia
Tlp +62 274 545577 Fax +62 274 583377
Mobile +62 8139 1634 777
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Enchanted Forest at LaTrobe Regional Gallery
From top:
Gallery entrance
Left to right: works by Milan Milojevic, Louisann Zahra-King, Deborah Klein
Gallery view prior to artist's talk, 24 March 2009. Left to right: Swarm installation, Virginia Woolf and the Lighthouse (projected image) and (far right hand side) work by Jazmina Cininas.
Click on images to enlarge.
The Enchanted Forest - new gothic storytellers
Latrobe Regional Gallery
138 Commercial Road
Morwell Victoria 3840
The exhibition runs from 20 February - 19 April.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Widodo Pameran Tunggal di TBY
Senin, 23 Mar 2009
Widodo adakan pameran tunggal
Selasa, 24 Maret 2009
JOGJA: Seniman Widodo bekerjasama dengan Tujuh Bintang Art Space mengadakan pameran tunggal bertajuk 'The Encyclopedia of Erotic' dari 17-26 Maret di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY), Jogja. Pameran tunggal itu mengangkat konsep pasar loak yang dinamakan 'Widodo's Flea Market'.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Women, Art and Politics
Top: Zelda Fitzgerald in the Night Garden, 1992, woodcut 53 x 74 cm
Bottom: Installation shot taken prior to my artist's talk on Wednesday, 11 March. Left to right: works by Heather Shimmen, Anne Bennett, Rona Green, Deborah Klein and Belinda Fox.
Click on images to enlarge.
Women, Art and Politics is curated by Lorri Lambert. The exhibition explores issues informing the work of female artists represented in the permanent collection of Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery.
Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery
Horseshow Bend
Swan Hill, Victoria 3585.
Exhibition dates: 18 February-15 March
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Pukul : 19.30 WIB
Tempat : Taman Budaya Yogyakarta - Jl Sriwedari Yogyakarta
Dibuka oleh : Bapak Ajip Rosidi
Kurator : Kuss Indarto
Pameran berlangsung : 17 – 26 Maret 2009
Djiancuk Foundation bersama Tujuh Bintang Art Space menggelar Flea Market di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta untuk menggelar “karya-karya jorok” Widodo yang tak cukup peduli dengan ihwal pencapaian-pencapaian, dan itu bisa dikatakan sebagai kenaifan. Namun titik penting yang bisa ditelusuri dari laku kreatifnya adalah: Widodo begitu lepas dari ketertekanan yang menjerat posisinya sebagai seorang kreator. Pasar tak banyak mendikte dan menekan! Seniman ini tak cukup peduli untuk kemudian habis-habisan berkompromi dengan pasar. Garis keyakinannya untuk bebal adalah juga garis kesenimanannya. Inilah point “kewaguan” Widodo yang tidak banyak ditemui di kerumunan seniman Yogyakarta kini.
Melintasi karya-karyanya Anda akan terkuasai oleh satu persepsi visual yang berisi goresan-goresan liar, tak memiliki harmoni garis dan warna, ataupun tema-tema yang seronok. Ia menampilkan serangkaian kata-kata umpatan dan lenguhan perasaan nikmat seks, juga media yang dipakainya yang ‘tak suci bagi kanvas putih’: celana dalam, rambut kemaluan, kebaya batik, kertas iklan obat kuat dan pasir.
Widodo, yang pernah menjuluki dirinya sendiri sebagai “pelukis buta” dalam beberapa komunikasinya tampaknya ia menyadari tentang “kebutaanya”, dan mulai melihat kenyataan dengan lebih bijaksana. Kini, ia melukis dengan mata terbuka. Karya-karyanya menampakkan optimism, menggunakan warna-warna terang, warna-warna pastel, juga garis-garis yang lincah dan ekspresif.
Konsep penyelengaraan memilih tema Flea Market yang bebas, spontan, cair, menyediakan berbagai kejutan. Dengan harapan ia dapat menghadirkan dirinya sebagai seniman secara lain, berbeda, dalam format dan atmosfir dimana orang bebas melihat-lihat, dan leluasa melakukan tawar-menawar.
Selamat mengapresiasi Mega Diskon Widodo di Flea Market..!
Tujuh Bintang Art Space
Jl Sukonandi No. 7-Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia
Tlp +62 274 545577 Fax +62 274 583377
Mobile +62 8139 1634 777
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Dorothy Parker's The Waltz
The Dance, 1997, linocut, chine colle 37 x 37 cm
The Waltz
Why, thank you so much. I'd adore to.
I don't want to dance with him. I don't want to dance with anybody. And even if I did, it wouldn't be him. He'd be well down among the last ten. I've seen the way he dances; it looks like something you do on Saint Walpurgis Night. Just think, not a quarter of an hour ago, here I was sitting, feeling so sorry for the poor girl he was dancing with. And now I'm going to be the poor girl. Well, well. Isn't it a small world?
....... What can you say, when a man asks you to dance with him? I most certainly will not dance with you. I'll see you in hell first. Why thank you. I'd like to awfully, but I'm having labour pains. Oh, yes, do let's dance together - it's so nice to meet a man who isn't a scaredy-cat about catching my beri-beri. No. There was nothing for me to do, but say I'd adore to. Well, we might as well get it over with. All right, Cannonball, let's run out on the field. You won the toss; you can lead.
Why, I think it's more of a waltz, really. Isn't it? We might just listen to the music a second. Shall we? Oh, yes, it's a waltz. Mind? Why, I'm simply thrilled. I'd love to waltz with you.
I'd love to waltz with you. I'd love to waltz with you. I'd love to have my tonsils out. I'd love to be in a midnight fire at sea. Well, it's too late now. We're getting under way. Oh. Oh, dear. Oh, dear, dear, dear. Oh, this is even worse than I thought it would be. I suppose that's the one dependable law of life - everything is always worse than you thought it was going to be. Oh, if I had any real grasp of what this dance would be like, I'd have held out for sitting it out. Well, it will probably amount to the same thing in the end. We'll be sitting it out on the floor in a minute, if he keeps this up.
I'm so glad I brought it to his attention that this is a waltz they're playing. Heaven knows what might have happened, if he'd thought it was something fast; we'd have blown the sides right out of the building. Why does he always want to be somewhere that he isn't? Why can't we stay in one place just long enough to get acclimated? It's this constant rush, rush, rush, that's the curse of American life. That's the reason that we're all of us so - Ow! For God's sake, don't kick, you idiot; this is only second down. Oh, my shin. My poor, poor, shin, that I've had since I was a little girl!
Oh, no, no, no. Goodness no. It didn't hurt the least little bit. And anyway, it was all my fault. Really it was. Truly. Well, you're just being sweet to say that. It really was all my fault.
.......I'm past all feeling now. The only way I can tell when he steps on me is that I can hear the splintering of bones. And all the events of my life are passing before my eyes. There was the time I was in a hurricane in the West Indies, there was the day I got my head cut open in the taxi smash, there was the night the drunken lady threw a bronze ash-tray at her own true love and got me instead, there was that summer what the sailboat kept capsizing. Ah, what an easy, peaceful time was mine, until I fell in with Swifty here. I didn't know what trouble was, before I got drawn into this danse macabre. I think my mind is beginning to wander. It almost seems to me as if the orchestra were stopping. It couldn't be, of course; it could never be. And yet in my ears there is a silence like the sound of angel voices....
Oh, they've stopped, the mean things. They're not going to play any more. Oh, darn. Oh, do you think they would? Do you really think so, if you pay them twenty dollars? Oh, that would be lovely. And look, do tell them to play this same thing. I'd simply adore to go on dancing.
Excerpts from The Waltz by Dorothy Parker. From The Original Portable as Arranged by Dorothy Parker in 1944.