Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Project Raksasa Doodles by Squeak Art Asia (Update 4)

Thanks for your support guys! Help us spread the word around, I really hope we can get 1,000 doodles! Hehehe.

Doodler: Izzah Syazwina Mohammad Halmi
Title: 'My Love I & My Love II'
Media: Charcoal,Spray, Fabric Dye on Canvas
Description: The idea is about my personal expression. I long for love ..Let’s talk about the beauty of LOVE

 Doodler: Izzah Syazwina Mohammad Halmi
Title: My Love II
Media: Charcoal,Spray, Fabric Dye on Canvas
Description: The idea is about my personal expression. I long for love ..Let’s talk about the beauty of LOVE 

 Doodler: Terry
Title: The Meeting Monster
Media: Papermate Kilmetrico Black Pen + Campap Note Book
Description: Doodling while in a meeting 

 Doodler: Dream.Note
Title: 'Knit a Trip'
Media: Black Ink & Pencil on Recycled Paper

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