Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Project Raksasa Doodles by Squeak Art Asia (Update 9)

Doodler : CYLee
Title : 'Inspire'
Media : Black pen and paper
Location : Penang, Usm
Description :
This is a title that was adopted by a society that I have involved in recently. AIESEC. After attending their 'Inspire Day'. I was inspired and sudden a lot of thoughts that come through my mind, my future, my target, my goal, and our mother earth.

Honestly this is the first time I doodled, so I'd like to share it and at the same give inspiration to anyone else about what actually their goals in their life and what kind of life they want in the future.

Of course, if you want to have a better future you would probably have to save and protect our mother earth too. Not only for your future, for a better next generation as well.

Doodler: Dream.Note
Title: ''Omega 3 house'
Media: Black Ink & Pencil on Recycled paper
Location: Sabah, Malaysia

Doodler: Will
Title: 'Endless Childhood'
Media: Kid's artstand
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 
Description: It started with a request from my niece for many, many "chi tan" (eggs).

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