Sunday, August 8, 2010

Project Raksasa Doodles by Squeak Art Asia (Update 1)

New submissions that just came in.

 Doodler: BingShi
Title: 'While you were sleeping' (2001)
Media: Pencil on paper

 Doodler: BingShi
Title: 'My sister' (2001)
Media: Pencil on paper
Description: I got sick of taking her calls while she was out. This was pre-mobile phone era.

 Doodler: D. Dulku & friends
Title: 'Multiple conversations' (June 2002)
Media: Pen on envelope
Description: Doodling on girlfriend's worksheet .
 Doodler: D. Dulku & friends
Title: 'Multiple conversations' (June 2002)
Media: Pen on envelope
Description: Aftermath of Tiger beer, I become a fly.

 Doodler: D. Dulku & friends
Title: 'Multiple conversations' (June 2002)
Media: Pen on envelope
Description: Looking back I have no idea what was going on. Yes. Seriously. What the hell.....?
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