Thursday, August 26, 2010

Project Raksasa Doodles by Squeak Art Asia (Update 14)

Keep in coming, keep it coming.....

Doodler: Terry Neoh
Title: 'F**ks your mind'
Medium: Black ink + toilet paper
Location: Penang, Malaysia 
Description: I just wanted to show what someone meant when he was explaining to his friend, what the movie "Inception" was all about. Yes, I was eavesdropping. Who doesn't. Anyway, he was kept repeating himself, "The movie really f**ks up your mind, really f**ks up your mind". I guess if you don't know how to explain it, my advice, Don't!

 Doodler : azreenchan
Title : 'I'm Lost'
Medium: Black Ink on paper
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 Doodler: Maz Mynrose
Title: 'Orangutan and donkey' (oh its a monkey)
Medium: Paper and Marker pens
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description: Monkey wearing rambutan DIY vest riding a donkey when the sun is up.

Doodler: BlueBrian
Title: In Dream
Medium: Pencil, A4
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Description: Drawing while workin

Doodler: BlueBrian
Title: 'Fallen'
Medium: Artline pen 0.3, Sketchbook b5
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Description: I was drawing it while watching Laputa (Castle in the Sky) anime, really inspire by the robot

 Doodler: BlueBrian
Title: 'Live to the Max'
Media: Pencil, Sketchbook b5
Location: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Description: I love this phase

 Doodler: Dream.Note
Title: 'Not Made For Play'
Medium: Black Ink on Recycled paper
Location: Sabah, Malaysia

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