Monday, August 23, 2010

Project Raksasa Doodles by Squeak Art Asia (Update 11)

Doodler: Azeem Juxta Art
Title: 'The Juxta Hunters and the Monster'
Medium: Marker on 'Plastik lapik meja' (Plastic table cover)
Location: Selayang, Selangor, Malaysia

 Doodler: Kamariah Jasmani
Title: 'selftitle'
Medium: Black Ink on Watercolor Paper
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

 Doodler: Dream.Note
Title: 'Food Senses'
Medium: Black Ink & Pencil on Recycled paper
Location: Sabah, Malaysia

 Doodler: Azeem Juxta ARt + Kam and hami KLOBOT
Title: 'Juxta X Klbot'
Medium: Fabric marker on nylon (tent)
Location: From Selayang to Ampang and Capsquare KL, Malaysia 
Description: Juxta Art collaborates with Klobot participated in KLDesignWeek2010 - Secret Tent

 Doodler: Nishi Chauhan
Title: 'auto! auto! auto!'
Medium: Water colours
Location: Bangalore, India

 Doodler: Nishi Chauhan
Title: 'Untitled
Medium: Water colours & colour pens
Location: Bangalore, India

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